My daughter is newly in a cast.
My son has just started drumming lessons.
I would not personally think of combining those two things, but to the kids, the connection was obvious and irresistible.
Somehow, nobody ended up furious. |
As if having one kid with a shattered navicular bone were not enough upset, both my kids have managed to get systemic poison oak. One was hacking a new trail down to the lake with a couple friends with machetes. The other one was just hanging out with the machete crew. These are mountain kids; they KNOW what poison oak looks like. In the end, they figured out that the largest of the vines that they severed and joyously de-barked wasn't ivy after all. It was a monster branch of poison oak. We have gone from calamine lotion to Benadryl to Kaiser for steroids.
On the face . . . in the cast . . . . oh, dear God. |
And did I mention The Dog? Sadie has
had a quarter-sized bare spot on her side that has recently started to
worry her a lot. A trip to the vet later, we have ruled out mange. And, there were no mast cells. But it is worrisome when the vet is stumped.
At any rate, this is where we end up:
Chillin' in the Comfy-Cone. |
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