Saturday, August 28, 2010

And Now For Something Completely Different

The bird is just the tip of the iceberg here at the Roadside Attraction.  But while beetles have a pretty good Wow Factor, they don't do any cute tricks. Unless you think hissing is cute.

Tessa met this critter in the bathroom one fine evening.

Hardwood Stump Borer Beetle.  A bit hissy, but generally mellow otherwise.

Minutes later, she encountered this Junebug, also in the bathroom.

Gather 'round, children.


Thank you for visiting my blog.


  1. How did you figure out what kind of beetle it was. I have seen one of those about twice the size. I'm afraid I was too chicken to pick it up.

  2. The boys used the *INTERNET* for the beetle ID. I saw those mandibles you mentioned, and I am also chicken.
