Friday, August 20, 2010

Crazy Hobo Genius

Another day, another search. Does anyone know if corvids rearrange their loot regularly, or do they mostly stash-and-go?

I am not at all good with heights. Finn, however, is brilliant. And brave and strong and nimble. So up he went up into the oak tree investigating caches today, while I spent some time below with the metal detector.

The higher he went, the more interesting the caches became. All up and down the branches, in every nook and every junction, there is a wee cache. Laughing with delight and amazement, Finn began describing to me the organization of these clusters. He noticed groups of paper, nuts, shiny candy wrappers, white things, small bits of plastic, cereal, twigs, and metal, which is distinct from yet another cache containing That Which Is Shiny.

Fascinating, but still no hearing aid. "It's like a crazy genius hobo lives up here," said Finn.

Amen, son. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. We used to call Rosie our "magpie" when she was about 3 to 4 years old. Whenever something important was missing, we would stop looking in logical "Now, where did I last use it ?" places go to the "little house" under the stairs and dig through Rosie's piles of, um... 'stuff'.

    9 times out of 10 her stash was where the remote, the charger, the keys, the eyeglasses, etc. would be. Fun post. Love Finn's comment.
