Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Princess is Not Afraid of A Little Hard Work

The other day certain members of Our Roadside Attraction had a profound yearning for S'mores.

Biggsy set everyone to work creating a fire circle.

Wellie helped.

"Ask, and ye shall be Put To Work."

Find the Avian Assistant, Part I
Find the Avian Assistant, Part II

Shovel Check

Break Supervisor

Is this my chair?

This IS my chair.


  1. Hilarious! But I have to ask, who is going to chop that GIANT log in "Ask, and ye shall be Put To Work."? I see a little axe in it, but looks like quite the chore.

    Nice fire circle!

  2. I notice the same picture but I thought that the axe in the foreground made Tessa look like a midget. Did Wellie get any smores?

  3. Chigiy, Sadly for birds, S'mores are a night-time occurrence. So alas, Wellie missed dessert.

  4. Laura, Giant log is a "bench," so thankfully no one will have to split it. But hubs does enjoy that sort of thing. Thank you for visiting!
